Friday, October 9, 2009

a la china (101st post)

Sorry to everyone I didn't get to say goodbye to. The week was very, very hectic, as I spent probably 30 hours in the office trying to buildup new pages for about 10 different new apps, as well as designing a bunch of new features and embedded flash stuff. The hardest part of the whole thing was not being a web major lol. I had to really figure everything out on my own. While frustrating at first, the end results ended up being twice as rewarding (both personally and literally). Hopefully I can continue to maintain and update the MEDL remotely from China - otherwise my buddies at work are going to have one helluva time. Also if you guys have an iPhone, check out our new game: BOXHEAD - THE ZOMBIE WARS. It's coming out in a week, and after all the bug fixes, is a total blast to play! Support my hard work and enjoy yourself at the same time! Also coming soon - Boxhead viral video of my friend getting shot by a paintball gun. GET HYPE~!

I managed to finish up CANAAN between the cracks of my time, and my verdict is mixed feelings. There were some parts of CANAAN that were done really well, like character complexities, but between the fanservice, over-exaggeration, and convoluted story-telling, too much was lost in the translation. What could have been pretty freaking awesome ended up just being average. It's hard to say "average" though, cause the series had peaks and lows, not a steady feed. Some character relationships were just weird or even annoying (like Maria X Canaan, Mino X Haako, and "oh god =.=" Cummings X Liang), although the setup between Siam, Canaan, and Alphard was done in a way that really piqued my interest. I love it when the past is broken up and slowly revealed throughout the plot, only to finally hit the nail on the head in the last episode as everything comes into plain sight. I also felt a great affinity towards Alphard's character. The way she acts, everything she stands for, and how she decides to deal with Siam's ghost allowed me to be very empathetic with her, and she is definitely now one of my favorite female anime characters of all time. The ending was bittersweet and nonchalant, which I think is good for a change, but trying too hard for this series. Too many cliche motifs that you see in other anime, and trying too hard to be epic. Otherwise, just a decent watch for 13 episodes and an awesome take away for me - Alphard!

Hummm...not much else to say. Darker than Black 2 - Comet of Gemini premieres today, so GET ON THAT SHIT. Otherwise, just hope that I don't get mugged or contract an STD from a green card mongering slut. Will keep you guys updated!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Перед тем, как что-то сделать, - сначала подумай. Кто любит трудится, тот без денег не сидит. Работа - это главное в жизни. Все люди делом живы. Работа утомляет, безделье растлевает. Безделье бывает разное, но результат одинаково плачевный. Все счастье земли - за трудом! Только два стимула заставляют работать людей: жажда заработной платы и боязнь ее потерять.

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