Monday, December 28, 2009

the story of cristobal (non-fiction fiction)


There once was a girl named Cristobal, not to be confused with the glass object that Ursula uses to spy on people. He work in an apple factory that collected Mexicans that would collect apples for them. Her goal in life was to become a prince - but not just any princess. Cristobal wanted to become Prince. Purple rain. Rain down like sperm across a pornstar's voluptuous chest. This was the kind of princess that Cristobal wanted to be.

One morning, Cristobal woke up with a tiger uppercut and landed headfirst on the marble floor. As blood slowly pooled around his dying body, all she could think about was not being able to play Diablo 3.


Ok so I don't really have much to write about today, so I figured I'd post some pictures up for you guys. I have about 60,000 pictures that I've collected over the past 5 years of browsing the internet. And yes, this is 110% non-sequitur, so just don't.

Okay so basically after I wrote this post, I seriously debated whether or not I should have published it. Based on what you're reading now, you can decipher the result. I had a wtf Monday, give me a break. Vanilla Salt. Definitely a salty one.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

embracing vicious lust (lady gaga live @ the nokia in los angeles)

"Image". One sole word drives the unreal spiral of success that has pushed an outrageously bold figure into stardom. Lady GaGa is her name. To be honest, I started out with very little interest in her "dance music" that involved poking faces and disco sticks. However, YouTube mysteriously recommended a Lady GaGa music video to me one day, and being the crazy motherfucker that I am, I clicked it.

What the fuck just happened?

Masquerade masks, dalmatians, leather, all drenched in an aura of sex. Count me in. Ever since then, I began following Lady GaGa as her singles rose to success. It wasn't so much the music that got to me, but her image as an expressionist - like a rebellious teen that said "fuck the real world" and actually came out on top.

My sister and I saw Lady GaGa at the Nokia Theater on the 21st. Slightly disappointed that Kid Cudie would not be starting her off, we entered the place after paying $25 self-parking. Fail. The show started off with Semi-Precious Weapons. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it was entertaining watching the dude prance around in tights while yelling almost incoherently into the mic about biting down on diamonds and sticky champagne. After that came the intermission, which lasted a drudging hour and a half. I had almost wondered if the show was even going to happen when the lights finally dimmed.


The stage was set up with a "box" that would splay all sorts of different graphics and textures over the dancers while the background flashed different videos and images. I'm not going to post anymore pictures from my shitty as iPhone camera cause they won't do her justice. I was in a trance the whole time, consistently blown away by her AMAZING outfits and intense visuals. And when she hit her piano solos, I melted. Mentioning how critics would scoff at her for just making "bland dance music", she makes it a point to show that she can fucking sing like a nightingale and play the piano like a goddess on a harp.

She would talk to the audience quite a bit, and I'm surprised about her personality. Half of her is a regular girl, the other half is this star she wants to be. GaGa thrashes out vulgarly and boldly, but still hints at how appalled she was to have risen to such blazing success so quickly. She represents all of the closet freaks and artists within ourselves. No, I'm not talking about painters and goths. I'm talking about you, and your fear of liking things that society would not deem "acceptable" or "cool". Fuck it all; do what you want.

Lady GaGa announces her new global hand gesture, the "little monster".

In all, it was a great experience. I wouldn't hesitate for half a second before purchasing a live DVD because her performance left me flabbergasted. Her outlandish style very closely coincides with how I think and how my personal artwork flows: chaotic but focused at the same time. Society has seen too much of the same shit happen. This is the reason for her success: the need for something new, something expressive, and something unafraid of itself. We're at a turning point in the world of art and entertainment, and Lady GaGa is just step one.

Nothing much to say. Xmas, New Years, then back on the grinder. Yucks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

final cut (kara no kyoukai 7 - a study in murder [part 2])

Although I was not fortunate enough to have caught this while it was still in theaters, I managed to snap a pic of this DVD poster while in Akihabara, Tokyo. The much anticipated wait for us overseas fans finally erupted over the past weekend as the final Kara no Kyoukai DVD hit the shelves in Japan. Two years of repeated excellence are coming to an end at last with the haunting and gratifying finale of, arguably, Kinoko Nasu and Type-Moons' best work to date.

While this may not be the most exciting installment of the seven part series, it offers very appropriate closure and delves into tying off the loose ends of several major themes that have run its course throughout the story. Finally, we see the reasons behind the complex mentality of Shiki, the unraveling of Souren's plans, and the ultimate cause and effects that led way for some of the most intriguingly discombobulated storytelling in the history of anything I've ever seen.

Kara no Kyoukai (The Garden of Sinners) -
A Study in Murder (Part 2)

The story begins a month after the events of Oblivion Recorder. A series of gruesome murders in the back alleys of the city raises many eyebrows when eye-witnesses claim that a "person wearing a kimono" was seen at the events. Fueled by suspicion and worry, Mikiya Kokutou begins to track various leads that may unveil the true homicidal maniac, while still hoping that the recently missing Ryougi Shiki is not the culprit. Discussion with Aozaki Touko does not aid his conscience, as she talks of Shiki's lost alter ego and her need to fill that void of murderous intent. It then becomes Kokutou's task to save Shiki from destroying herself before time runs out.

REVIEW (spoilers!)
The key points of this final movie have nothing to do with Lio, the homicidal maniac, but rather Shiki's personalities and her relationship with Kokutou. Lio's role in this story was to disprove that Shiki's murderous intent was a blind one, since his homicidal habits were a result of Souren awakening his beastly origin, and not born from the pain and circumstances that Shiki endured. This is reinforced during Kokutou's conversation with Touko about the difference between murder (with intent) and slaughter (without intent). Shiki has been able to control the former all this time, while Lio's primal need for consumption demonstrates the latter. Moving on - the most important scene, to me, was the flashback when Shiki's alter ego chose to throw herself in front of the car. Two important notes on that scene: Souren's observation that Shiki should not be killed at such an early age (as he knew she carried the potential for something greater) and thus the spiral of contradictions that would ultimately lead to his own demise. The second is that Shiki's alternate ego, one who could not control the murderous intent, chose to sacrifice herself over killing Kokutou. The sacrifice was testament of Shiki's true desires to live a life of normalcy with Kokutou. Another very important theme that this movie touched upon was the idea of only being able to "kill one person in your lifetime". These were Shiki's grandfather's parting words right before he left the world - "We have but one chance in our lives to allow ourselves to die. They say it's your life, but that doesn't mean that it belongs to you. You can only kill someone once. Those who have killed someone once and used it up can never kill themselves, and never die as a human." Very deep words that carry a line of thinking I've never even thought of. In the final moment, when Shiki kills Lio out of revenge, she falls in the snow and wonders at how Kokutou wouldn't forgive her. Lucky for the both of them, a knife stab in the face isn't enough to kill Kokutou. While they embrace, Kokutou tell her that it's okay because he would be the one to "kill her" by bearing her sins in her place. This brings a roundabout back not only to the entire "killing one person" mantra, but the relationship between Kokutou and Shiki. The reason why Shiki was able to suppress the urge to kill and not fallen into the category of "homicidal maniac" is separated by the consciousness that loving Kokutou had given her.

As I've stated before, the movie itself was not the most impressive. In order to give fans their fill, the movie was lengthened to a full two hours, which I believe could have done without the extra half hour. A few things bugged me, namely: Mikiya still being a useless pussy (seems to be a running theme for main character guys in Japan), Shiki and him never kissing (reinforced), Mikiya having the hardest head ever, and much lost suspense by dragging out the film.

However, when I step back and look at the whole, it makes sense to do it this way. This final movie was a perfect, melancholic closure. The apex of the story was indeed during Paradox Spiral and the defeat of Araya Souren, but what is amazing is that his master plans and failed experiments are still in motion all this time and integral parts to completing the viewer's puzzle. The construction and storytelling of Kara no Kyoukai is what makes the series so intriguing, and the beautiful animation and effects that make it so breathtaking. Without a doubt one of the most amazing anime I've ever seen, Kara no Kyoukai will forever haunt my memories in all of its complex and horrifying beauty.

Thanks to everyone for my 21st birthday. Unfortunately, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Maybe I'll bring myself to tell the "epic story" sometime in the future. In other news - got my Xbox360 only a year late. Grats me (thanks Genny!)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

feeling blackjack (21 at last)

I guess you could say everyone looks forward to their twenty-first birthday. But once you're there, you realize that all those "daring" things you've done in the past have just lost all of their thrill. I can sit down in a bar, order a glass of alcohol, and not break a sweat. Life's most primitive tribulations have now been solved.

I want to throw a thank you out there to everyone that showed up to my surprise party. I was literally stoked beyond words when I saw an entire table filled with my best buds. And it had to be at Carrows too. Epic. Hopefully I don't die this Thursday when I go to Vegas.

Where things in my life are heading

I am still in college, yes. It bores me to think that I'm going to have to return to that shithole for another year and a half of grinding. It scares me, because I feel like I've become overly lethargic over the past year. I know I can do so much more and that my capacity for great things is limitless, but when I look at what I've done, I'm really not impressed _at_all. They say that the best are naturally never satisfied with their work, even though their accomplishments are already considered amazing. For me, I feel like I'm lacking the latter portion of said statement. I have so many daring ideas to shatter the boundaries of conventional marketing and design - I have to get up off my ass and JUST DO IT.

At first I thought I'd be a fine artist. Then, I thought I'd be a graphic designer. Then, I thought I'd be an art director. Then, I thought I'd be a copywriter. Now, I think I won't be any of those. My path, which has strut itself in so many directions, has given me many opportunities to flex myself beyond my comfort zones and expand my arsenal of abilities. I really wonder what I will become, but I've decided to let the rivers of fate guide me along. I do know, however, that I will be spending the coming year completely revamping myself - cleaning up, branding myself, updating the wardrobe, and really pushing the envelope on my design projects. I'm looking forward to it.

And...I know this has nothing to do with anything I just said, but HOLYBUTTFUCK:

Things aren't as fast-paced as before, so I'm going to change the weekly quote and banner to a monthly thing. The truth is I just really like this banner rofl and am really lazy. ANYWAYS...
Things to look forward to...there are so many!
-Joa's HEADLONG Armored Berserk should arrive tomorrow or Wednesday!
-Kara no Kyoukai 7 DVD comes out in two days, which means we'll have hardsubs by the end of the week!
-Blazblue Continuum Shift is now at Arcade Infinity - time to practice up on Lambda-11.
-Two major MTG Legacy tournaments coming up towards the end of the month!
-Hopefully they'll announce the Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0 DVD release date sometime soon.
-Ditto for Diablo III. (Okay maybe not)

Monday, November 30, 2009

berserker barrage (not a marvel update)

So, as promised to those who give a crap about my Berserk collection, I have an update today on the progress of my quest for epicness.

Skull Knight on Horse II

I think this was the first statue I saw that made me want to collect Berserk. It feels weird, knowing that I've finally obtained my "grail" statue. The proclaimed "best statue ever produced by Art of War" indeed lives up to its name. The detail on this sculpt is astounding, and the majestic aura that shrouds the piece definitely makes it one of my most prized statues. If I had one word to describe it: classy.

Meet the REAL grail statue

Well after commissioning Joa to paint my HEADLONG Armored Berserk back in June, we are finally nearing completion. I have to give props to Joa, because he has so far exceeded my expectations in virtually every way. I don't think words are enough to express how I feel about the statue, so I'll just let some pictures do the talking.

As for other things NOT Berserk, we have a major Legacy tournament hosted by Starcity on January 3rd. Expect me to be there with tendrils. Still deciding between ANT, ANT/DD, and NLS, although I have a good feeling I'll just be taking regular ANT to save myself the headache of trying to come up with Doomsday piles during an 8-round tourney.

My 21st birthday is in 2 weeks!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

bloody hell (a love affair with dragon age: origins)

So upon my return, I thought about playing World of Warcraft again.


Anyways, I was doing my usual rounds around (one of the world's primary Berserk fansites) when I came across a Dragon Age: Origins thread. I remember the previews for this game, and I also remember not being all. In light of recent reviews and a SLEW of screenshots that Aazealh (one of the site's mods) posted, I was utterly convinced otherwise. The primary reason? This game is single player. I had originally thought it to be another failure MMO trying to penetrate an impossible market that is already bloated with night elves. With single player, I can move at my own pace and ignore the bustling about that is required for success in an MMO. So, I downloaded the deluxe edition on Steam, and began playing it. What started as quite an awkward experience trying to adapt to a rather odd "RTS-RPG" quickly turned into adoration. The game was challenging, in some respects, but that's not really its selling point. The true charm of Dragon Age is in the choices and flow of the game. Much like several other popular RPGs (like Knights of the Old Republic and Baldur's Gate), your decisions in the game will ultimately affect multiple facets of your party and the outcome of the story. I find that fact extremely intriguing and worth tons of replay value. Being able to pause the game also means that you are able to make decisions without the stress of a time constraint and at the same time react to certain situations, evaluate, and act accordingly. The freezing also promotes screenshot happy people to break their print screen keys. I know I already have; check it out.

Meet Skuru. She don't fuck around.

Dual Wielding is totally my thing.

Another day in the life of.

Here, let me seal that wound for you.

Right in the nuts!

Meet my awesome team. Yes, all four of them are wearing plate, including Morrigan, my caster.

Alastair, my tank, doing werk.

Do you do dragons?

Not a problem.

This one is for Pat. Winged helms much?
Vanity shot #6794.

Moonlight romance. I totally hooked these two up.

Also, before I close this post out, I must mention a little something about my Berserk collection. By mid-December, my collection will be pretty much complete. I managed to FINALLY find a decently priced Skull Knight on Horse II, after looking for about two years. I don't have it in my possession yet, but both Joa's Headlong kit and my SK should be here before November is over.

Coming soon!

Anyone that wants to come with me to Vegas for my 21st, let me know! It should be during the second week of December!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

in nippon (an otherworldly journey)


So after my month in China, I was given the privilege to visit Japan! For the third time in my life, I'd be returning to my oddly distant home, where several of my hobbies are born from. I only had five days to spend in wonderland, so I had to make haste.

Mikado Arcade

The first night I arrived, I checked in at my hotel and was filled with a sense of immense gratitude. The bathrooms were CLEAN! The toilet paper wasn't THIN! The attendants were POLITE! What a fucking godsend.

My hotel room at the Shinagawa Prince!

Bathroom - it's clean!

I contact Sam (aka Raviloli on Dustloop) and ask him if we could meet up for dinner and then some. He responded rather quickly and we meet up at the Shinigawa JR Station (which was conveniently right across the street from the Shinagawa Prince).

Shinagawa JR Station.

We chit-chat a bit before finally deciding to eat at Denny's. I had not spoken so much English in over a month - it was quite a relief. Sam is from North Carolina and used to be a GG player (Potemkin), but has since then moved on to SF4. He plays Dictator, so we instantly connected.

Look at that classy Denny's menu.

We conversed, over a course of quality Japanese Denny's dinner, about the fighting game scene in the far east and then set off to the highlight of the night - Mikado. For those of you non-otaku, non-weaboo folk reading this, Mikado is one of the major arcades in Tokyo, Japan that places emphasis on Guilty Gear. They hold weekly tournaments, and ALWAYS have competition playing there, no matter which day you choose to show up. The JR ride was slightly unpleasant, as I became a human sandwich. I felt even more sorry for the women. Upon our arrival at Takedanobaba and a quick turn around the corner of the station, I finally arrived at the place that I had been longing to visit for years.


Guilty Gear everywhere. In other words, heaven.

Just fucking wow. That's SIX head-2-head Guilty Gear Accent Core cabs, WITH a projector and HD TV broadcasting the feature matches. Every person playing was seasoned and at LEAST as good as America's more solid players. Let's not even get me started on the famous players that I saw that night, including Misturugi (ZA) and Taku (SL). I put my coins in, rather unsure of how the rotating process works here. When someone loses, they'll usually get up, look around to see if there are any challengers, then open up their purse, and put in another coin. Being the greedy American that I am, I just kept putting coins in. I'm going to fucking feel the might and burn of Japan at my fingertips, so deal with it.

After about 5 hours of mashing, I walked out of Mikado, electrified. The level of players here is beyond the comprehension of America. Those people, who think they're hot shit here, have absolutely NOTHING on Japan. I consider myself about a level 7 (of 10) GG player in America. In Japan, I consider myself a level 4. That's below average, folks. These people have lived and breathed the game, every weekend of their lives, for the past three years. They constantly compete with the best players in the world, of every character in the cast, and dedicate tremendous amounts of time to the mastery of their matchups and technique. How can America compete with that? They can't. The convenience of riding a 20-minute JR line to the nearest Ogawa is non-existent.

"So did I do well?" you're asking. Well, the short answer is no. Against the average/scrub players over there, I can trade games. Against anyone slightly above average, I will get beat up bad. Against anyone pro level, I will get destroyed. These guys won't let you breathe, won't let you poke, and won't let you make ANY mistakes. I think one time I missed a run-dashing j.K on a K.ball seisei oki and I died for it. I managed to play against Misturugi and Taku that night as well. Mitsurugi wouldn't let me touch him, and his mixup and poking game were FAR more advanced than any Zappa I had ever encountered before. I kept getting beat out left and right - the feeling was a black, disgusting despair. Against Taku, there was a different feeling. I'd spend an entire match zoning him out, trying extremely hard to outpoke him. He'd be relaxed the whole time, even when I began using non-conventional mixup. Then, one counterhit, one DoT FRC and I'm dead. Happened for about 10 games in a row. The level of execution and matchup knowledge here is sick. I think I woke up in cold sweat cause I dreamed of Taku 5HS counterhit a wakeup backdash. Scary.


The haven of nerds. I had finally arrived in the place where all of my interests meld into one. To save you the headache of my week-long endeavor, I will just post some pictures and caption them. Yes, I spent four days here (including the last day before my flight) and I still don't think I covered all of it.

English for the noobs.

Crowded as hell.

Big ass posters on the side of buildings. In this case, two favorites: Bakemonogatari and Kara no Kyoukai <3

Not just a Korean MMO.

Evangelion Pachinko!

This is for Joa.

I found the Berserk!

Kenshiro at his best.

This Saber figure is HUGE and BEAUTIFUL.

MTG in Japan!

Food ordering machine.

Amazing beef bowl. The secret? Add a raw egg on top.

Club Sega

Located in the center of Akihabara, Club Sega features 100yen 3/5 GG games. The competition here was more fierce imo. I saw many more strong players and even met Ogawa! Probably the highlight of my fighting game trip, I took a game off Ogawa. It wasn't sheer luck either, I had some good oki setups, annoying evasion, and little eddie poking. One game, when he was at about 5% life left after a knockdown, I did my Carcass Raid charge > cancel > dash throw trick. Of course he had the reactions to jump, but motherfuckin 5S.c OPTION SELECT FOR THE WIN. 3rd hit connects, j.P j.S jc.S j.D victory.

The place where Americans get destroyed.

"Hay guys wat u wanna do after werk?"

Taku owning pretty hard.

Coincidence with Tiffany!

It must have been pure chance that Tiffany would be visiting Japan at the EXACT same time as me. She came to see Laura, a junior high school friend of hers. It was pretty chill, as we spent the day in Akihabara (big surprise). We ate at GO!GO! CURRY and then shopped around for the rest of the afternoon. After we visited Art of War, we had dinner at Denny's (again), before having to say goodbye. Unfortunately I don't have the picture we took together, as it is on her camera, but just check out her Facebook after she uploads it.


GO!GO! CURRY sign, live-trace gorilla included.

That was one fucking huge plate of katsu curry.

Art of War

Being the Berserk fanatic that I am, I of course had to visit the Art of War headquarters. It took Tiffany and me about an hour of aimless walking to find the place, as it was underground in some office building in an area full of banks. We spent about an hour there, chatting about past, present, and future products with Songe Lee, the international agent. I even got to see a few statues in person! I now have to obtain a Skull Knight on Horse II.

Wasn't supposed to take this pic, but I'm a sneaky bastard.

Songe Lee and me! (that rhymes)

Back Home

It rained hard the last day. I spent the entire morning in Akihabara looking for COSPA and doing some last minute shopping at Animate. Check out some of my spoils from Japan!

From left to right: 3 keychains - Berserk Beherit, Kara no Kyoukai Eye, Evangelion Unit 02; Ryogi Shiki Nendoroid; Unit 02 Revoltech figure (2.0 movie edition); Saber Lily Nendoroid; Rin Tohsaka coin pouch; Evangelion NERV headphones; and Fate / Stay Night Metal Charm Collection - Azoth Blade (used by Rin Tohsaka).

OMG - Ryogi nendoroid is TOO cute!

Around 2PM I got on the bus headed to Narita Airport. My long, long journey was finally coming to end. I felt kinda sad - something I wasn't expecting to feel. My time here in Asia was something to be treasured.

Of course on my arrival, the first thing I did was eat some fucking amazing breakfast foods (that were definitely more oily than I remember). And when I got home, I unpacked my 20th Anniversary Armored Berserk. What a fucking beauty.

So I'm back and I have a lot of crap to catch up on.

-Joa's buildup of my kit will be coming in about two weeks-ish. Meanwhile, I bought a steel track with lights to install on my ceiling and give my whole setup an epic appearance. Expect a pretty picture heavy post when that happens.
-While in China and Japan, I spent a lot of time researching Legacy (cause I was freaking bored). I've been fishing a new storm combo deck called NLS (Next Level Storm), and am probably going to the Knightware tournament on the 22nd. Doomsday is fucking rad.
-Anime I've been watching FYI: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Darker than Black - Ryuusei no Gemini, Bakemonogatari, Kimi ni Todoke, Kampfer (please don't shoot me), and Fairy Tail. Considering a few more, like Letter Bee, The Sacred Blacksmith, and Book of Bantorra, but not enough time.
-I have about ~7 weeks before school starts again. I will be spending this time at MEDL Mobile and working on several side projects that I have. This includes revising my book pieces, improving old stuff to put into my book, finishing branding myself (already have the idea, just need to execute), designing the package for a friend in China's wine company, designing the labels for my dad's herbal product, revising my dad's business cards, and researching art lounges / galleries for when my aunt comes to America and plans to set up a store. Good shit.
-While watching Darker than Black 6, I was in the middle of eating a Chipotle burrito. When I found out it was YIN in the box, my jaw dropped and a bunch of burrito innards fell onto my carpet, which my dog then ate.