As all of you know, I am a huge KnK fan. The long-awaited sixth installment in a seven-part series was finally released on DVD this previous week. And that means us overseas fans finally get to see it for the first time.

I honestly did not expect this one to tickle my fancy at all. It revolves around Azaka Kokuto, Mikiya's younger sister, who has the annoying bigger brother complex moe. The preview almost made me vomit with the gaily playing piano. Who the fuck was I kidding? This is fucking KARA NO KYOUKAI. They did not let me down in the slightest (except for the final preview, which I'll talk about later).
Kara no Kyoukai (The Garden of Sinners) - Oblivion Recorder
Taking place two months after the incident with Araya Souren in Mujun Rasen (Paradox Spiral), Oblivion Recorder follows Shiki and Azaka as they search her school for the magus responsible for stealing memories with the use of faeries. Throughout the story, we are given snippets of Azaka's past - the reason why she is so desperately in love with her own brother. However, the memory that we see was already taken by the fae, and will never be remembered as it is cast into oblivion. Incidents around the school are suspicious as students are reported dead or missing. Only with Shiki's mystic eyes will they be able to find the faeries and track their owner.
REVIEW (spoilers!)
Obviously not as well-constructed as Mujun Rasen, especially given the fact that the movie was only have of its former's length, what started as a fairly linear storyline with very little intricacy, turned out to be quite a shocker. I'm not particularly impressed with how they went about figuring out the puzzle (as it was pretty much hand-fed to the audience), but the fact that the girl was never actually dead and was really just her roommate who had went overseas came as a pleasant surprise and an extremely well-executed plot device. Even moreso than a stand alone film, Oblivion Recorder was meant to be the breather between Mujun Rasen and Study in Murder Part 2. Towards the end of Oblivion Recorder, God's Word Mayday gave Shiki a part of her memory back (as he was appointed to do by Araya Souren - I love the tie-ins they keep doing with Souren's apostles, he really is the mastermind that set all these events in motion!). Memories lost in oblivion are not actually discarded, but are recorded and forgotten. We don't know what that memory is, but we know Shiki leaves without telling either of the Kokutos. Beyond that, I was particularly impressed with the visuals during the showdown between Azaka and Misaya. The special effects from her fire looked amazing. And the soundtrack. OH GOD THE SOUNDTRACK. I don't know how they do it, but my god when they blend the main theme of KnK with the theme song of the movie (fairytale by Kalafina) for the fight scenes I go absolutely bonkers. Now back to what I was saying about the preview - we learn of Araya Souren's first apostle, who hears voices and consumes people, and probably the person who has to do with what happened to Shiki and Mikiya over three years ago.
The preview itself shows virtually nothing. You hear Shiki talking about how all she ever wanted was to stay by "his" side. No action, no still shots, nada. The anticipation is driving me up the wall. All you see is falling snow before it cuts to the title. The movie is slated to be released August 8th in Japanese threatres. We can probably expect to see it sometime next summer.
I just had to write a blog about this. Coming up - new progress shots of the Griffith Garage Kit and an article on Mortal Kombat!
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