"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... Street Fighter Four?"
"Ok good! Should be interesting!" Oh my fucking god =.= I can't believe I got myself into this shit. I usually keep a book of ideas, and I have a TON of billboard ad ideas that I could've just picked out of a hat and used to a pretty successful degree. Instead, I'm stuck with SF4 ideas for billboards. Eh, could be worse.
Towards the end of class I really had to go pee. I was also trying to keep my eyes open while my face was throbbing from lack of sleep. Then I just couldn't take it anymore. I picked up my stuff, stood up, looked straight at my teacher with one and a half eyes, saluted, and fucking left the room without saying anything. I was hoping he wouldn't follow me or anything like that, so I fast walked all the way down the stairs and out the entrance around the back side of the building. Whew, I got out of class. I started looking for my car, only to remember that I parked on the other side of school on the far end of the opposite parking lot. Fuck. I start fast walking again, but this time something doesn't feel right. My body was slow to remind me that I still had to fucking pee. So I'm stuck in the middle of the parking lot, halfway between school and halfway between my car, ready to just collapse, piss all over myself, and call it a day. I then look to my left, in desperation. I see a tiny strip mall consisting of Quizno's, Miyako Sushi, and The Christian Store. I quickly did some mental math - if I went to Quizno's, I'd probably have to buy something; I remember the sign in Miyako stating that the restroom was for "customers only"; I had never walked into The Christian Store before. I just had to pee. Now.
This was the greatest act of infiltration in my life, and I am very proud of it. I stroll into the store, looking like a stoner from hell, hair tossled and bloodshot eyes, carrying nothing but a schoolbag. I pretend to be scouting the aisles, looking for the Bible Studies section. I put on a genuine face and pretend I'm the good boy that goes to church every sunday and sings songs about god and flirts with all the cute-but-secretly-slutty girls, when I finally finish walking through the entire store. Where the fuck is the bathroom? How can there not be a john in here? Do Christian people not pee? I was about to leave when I saw an ajar door at the far corner of place, next to the storage room. I dash over but in a walking way, so as to not draw too much attention. I don't think my bladder has ever gone through so much pain (except for the time I had to pee and got on the tour bus while I was in China. I figured it wouldn't be so bad, but 30 minutes into the drive I ask my tour guide how much longer it would take to get to the destination. 3 hours. Yea I was so desperate I drank the rest of the tea in my bottle for the off-chance that I could have used the bottle as a canister for my piss. Unfortunately my dick head could not fit into the neck of the bottle and I didn't want to risk pissing all over the bus, so I basically held my piss for 3 hours + the tea I just downed. Yea when we arrived my bladder was numb. Wow that was a fucking long tangent). After the glorious urination, I exit the restroom and casually walk around to the Bible Studies section as if nothing happened. I picked up some shit and pretend to thumb through a few pages then saw that one of the workers was engaged in some conversation with another customer. I darted the fuck out of there and straight to my car.
I drove to IHOP and ate breakfast alone. I got the Spinach/Mushroom omelette (which I was very unimpressed by) and chowed down while listening to these two bitches from OCC scream "OMG" "NO WAI" "SO LIKE" and "OH NO HE DIDN" for 20 straight fucking minutes. I didn't think those kinds of people actually existed, but whatever. I get back in my car and drive back to school, park in the lot, roll down my windows, and pass out. I wake up about 45 minutes later to the sound of a guy ranting on his cellphone about 10 feet away from my car. He was in FRONT of my car and he could OBVIOUSLY see that I was fucking SLEEPING. How inconsiderate can these fuckers be? I still had another half hour before class, but I was so pissed I just grabbed my stuff and went into the building. I've been absent in this class (Advanced Image Manipulation) for two weeks straight, so I have no fucking idea if an assignment is due or not. I enter the classroom and everyone is working on this collage thing. I sit down and eye my neighbor's piece. I then ask him if it was due today and he said just the digital copy. Well shit. Apparently we had to make a collage based on a quote based on our interests. I have a fuckton of interests, but the hard part is making sure you have all the pictures for them. So I'm trying to come up with a theme for my collage when it's already 12:30 and my teacher walks in. "OKAY GUYS I'M GOING TO LOOK AT YOUR DIGITAL VERSIONS TODAY". Oh shit. Luckily he started on the other side of the room. I hurry the fuck up and grab all sorts of random pics....Magneto, fuckin...an American flag, a Japanese flag, a Chinese flag...fucking M. Bison. I fucking love M. Bison....grab a Blazblue picture...picture of an HRAP 2 Arcade Stick and go to town. About 20 minutes later he gets to me and I fuckin show him what I have.

random ftw.
So yea, I've had this teacher before and he loves to make all sorts of hardcore suggestions. I ended up editing the fuck out of it with his direction and this is what I came out with:

Title: Chris, the American Magneto Lover
Totally not what I wanted it to look like, but whatever. As long as my teacher is happy, I'm happy. But for all those out there reading this - do you like this one or the previous one better? I definitely like the first one though I do agree that it lacks a focal point. Anyways, one of the students asks, "Hey Darque, is this entire class lab time?" He nods. "Then I'm going to leave my stuff here and get something to eat, you're not going anywhere right?" lol Darque responds, "Uhh, I'm going home soon. Yea." I love this guy. I get some grades sorted out with him (2 A's on my other assignments, fuck yea) and I peace the fuck out. There's more to this story, but the rest of it is largely irrelevant and/or not funny and/or I was totally so fucking tired I forgot the rest of it. I ended up visiting Tiffany for a bit which was pretty fun then ended up watching Terminator Salvation with Ehd, Alex, Aarum, and Dean. The movie was alright, but the pacing was awful and so was Bruce Way- I mean, Christian Bale's acting. I'd spoil something for people that haven't seen it, but just know there is a super lawl moment waiting for you once you get to the Skynet Headquarters part. Seriously, I still can't believe they did that (though it makes sense for the story). All in all, good info/fanservice, but mediocre summer action flick trying too hard to be epic at the same time.
Wow I kinda wrote a lot. Thanks for reading all of it if you did. I don't want to go to class tomorrow either. And the Lakers lost @ home. wtf. FML.
1 comment:
I dunno.. I definitely like your first one way better. It has a better point of focus and you can see more subtle details. The second one seems really noisy and I can't tell really what's going on.
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