Monday, June 1, 2009

fond memories (during rough times)

I've been working up the ying yang trying to finish all of these projects and prepping for a side project with a few friends. Ontop of that, I've been playing WoW again. I said it. I started playing WoW again. FML.

I've been taking a fuckton of naps since I've been so tired (from all of the above) and I've been having some weird ass dreams. One particular one (and yes, this really happened) stood out. It was probably seventh grade (or eighth) when all the guys in my class had a crush on a different girl. Daryl liked Kara, Michael liked Alex, Nicelio liked Roya, Dominic liked Tess, Blake liked Malorie, and I liked Victoria. So one day we were all playing Counter-Strike together and somebody was really fucking bored and switched his name to one of the girl's AIM screen names. As soon as he did that, everyone on the team switched to their respective girl's SN, and we played for like three hours like that. 

I don't know why I remember that. Yea.

Burnt out dude.

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