Sunday, March 15, 2009

le sigh (women: crazy or evil or both?)

I've come to realize that all girls are crazy. Even if they're chill 99% of the time, there's always SOMETHING about them that is a major "what the fuck". It could be as stupid as secretly reading your text messages to check for other love interests all the way to wanting to play with hot, smelly shit during sex. I think it has a lot to do with girls wanting attention from a very early age, then turning hot around late highschool or early college, and finally getting that attention. It's overwhelming, when their tits finally fill out and they start wearing make-up. A little alcohol and they'll do anything and everything. Once they let loose, they don't go back. I'm not sure why I'm so disgusted with women that can count enough partners to need more than the number of fingers on both their hands, but if it was a guy I'd probably give him a high-five. I think it's something to do with having a hole. I mean imagine it like a cookie jar. Would you want to eat a cookie from a cookie jar that a bunch of other guys have stuck their junk into multiple times? Maybe even left a little coconut cream for you too. Either way, I'm getting a bit off topic - crazy women. Everytime you think you've made it with some chick and she's a great person, you've got it all wrong. It isn't until months after you've started dating a chick that you realize how messed up she really is. Here let me show you some common examples:

The Clingy Bitch (you forgot to call me last night *pout*pout*)
These are pretty bad. They're insecure and need lots and lots of attention. They always think you're cheating on them and they need to be pampered. When you go out with a bunch of friends, you're always going to get interrogated: "where? with who? what are you doing? are any other "people" going to be there?" By "people" she means "are there gonna be any other smokin' hot chicks?". No matter how many times you tell her that you love her or that you'll only have eyes for her, she'll keep coming back for more until you can't take it anymore.

The Kinky Skank (my pussy has been poked more times than you've done push ups in your life)
This isn't always a bad thing, but you know they've got a history when she's down there sucking your dick and doing an awesome job. That kind of thing only comes with lots of experience. If all you're looking for is a fuckbuddy, then congratulations, you landed one. However, if you're looking for a serious relationship, forget it. This chick probably sleeps with any guy she can get her hands on, probably has latent STDs, and will give you and your feelings up in a heartbeat if a hunk invites her back home.

The Goldigging Ho (i really love you! i really mean it! i promise!)
Pretty bad. This girl knows you'll spend on her and she'll milk you for all you got. She doesn't really like you, but you're convenient to have around because you buy all the dinners and open all the doors for her. You treat her like a god damned princess and she feeds you the table scraps: maybe a kiss on the cheek, maybe brushing up against you with her tits, maybe holding your hand. Watch out for Valentine's day, cause she might just be keeping you around for the free chocolates before breaking up with you right after February is over.

The "Wasn't that Obvious" Cunt (omg the fucking worst)
These ones are what drive men to insanity. I'm pretty good about picking up signals, but sometimes things just go waaaay over male heads. You just have to know the proper answers to things; there are a lot of standard signifiers that are encrypted into everyday sayings and messages. "Oh, I shouldn't eat this cake." actually means: "TELL ME I'M SKINNY AND BEAUTIFUL OR I'M NOT HAVING SEX WITH YOU TONIGHT." Any other answer is unacceptable. "The Killers is an awesome band." actually means: "DON'T YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT THE KILLERS IS MY FAVORITE BAND AND THEY'RE PLAYING AT THE POND NEXT MONTH AND YOU SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE TICKETS ALREADY BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT THE KILLERS IS MY FAVORITE BAND." It's pretty retarded. I mean, if she had just said: "hey we should go see that Killers concert next month", I would be totally down. But no, they don't speak english...or any language at that.

Call me bitter, call me sexist, call me whatever, but you know it's fucking true.

Soul Eater 48 was pretty amazing. A bunch of series are ending soon, so expect a bunch of reviews in the near future! Peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW hahahaha i'm pretty bored and i decided to read your blog and i have to, i couldn't stop laughing at this blog chris. and you are absolutely spot on. i am FUCKING crazy. =)
but the wasn't that obvious cunt doesn't apply to me...if i want to hear something or want to do something, i fucking STRAIGHT UP SAY IT BIOOTCHHHH