Wednesday, June 10, 2009

observations of season 6 (chaos bolts, cleave, and improved barkskin)

I quit World of Warcraft for about two months. I had a sudden lost of interest in the game (as I often do), but I logged on one day and decided to hit some things. To my delight, rumors of our nerf were untrue. To any death knights that complain - shut the fuck up, right now. We were overpowered last season, and we're still A-tier right now. You have no right to bitch and moan, because you still have disgusting damage and a slew of savage cooldowns at your disposal. We've been "put in our place", as Blizzard shamefully announced, but even that sentence is clearly safe language. Every death knight secretly knows that they're still powerful beyond fuck.

I digress. I would like to share with you a few (some upsetting) observations I've had over the past two weeks throughout ~300 arena games and ~400,000 farmed honor. I have seen the atrocity that is season 6.

1. Druids - heehee look at me im a tree im dumb!
I want to say this in a graceful way, in a way that complains less, but I really just can't. I don't mean to be derrogatory to the players of the class, but rather to the current state of the class itself. Seriously, the truism to playing a druid is: pre-hotting is the prerequisite to invincibility. Even when I unload all of my cooldowns, if the druid isn't at least ~50% health and I don't get a crit within 4 Scourge Strikes, he will more than most likely survive. It's not that druids don't deserve to play like this (it's pretty close to what the rest of the healers are like lawl), but rather the fact that the ancient art of CC, shifting, and mana conservation is extinct. Now all you do is sit in tree and pre-hot to victory. Sad times.

2. Warlocks - what the fuck. Seriously.
Dude, I got shot in the face by a Chaos Bolt the other day for 12K, in arena, in full resilience gear (that's like, ~750 for me). FML. The part that worries me is that they, like druids, take no skill now. You just run around, cast Immolate, Conflagrate, and Chaos Bolt, while your opponent desperately tries to stop you. And when they're finally out of interrupts and silences, you're going to hit them in the face for half their life. I bet all those warlocks are laughing as they wave their flaming hands, ready to melt my face off.

3. Cleave - sorry.
It's back. And it hurts. Every single melee class is ready to peel the meat off your bones. Warriors included. I can understand why they made the Vindication nerf the ret paladins though, cause Ironboxy would randomly say "the mage is dead". Ret paladins need these kinds of nerfs, yes, but they need more offensive utility to compensate. Just give them a spell interrupt again (though that might be akin to the end of the world). I play cleave cause, like double-teaming Dwight Howard in the paint, it works.

4. Strands - the retard check of BGs.
I had to mention this one. After nearly half a year, people still don't know how to play this battleground. For the love of god PLEASE pick up a god damn Seaforium Charge and DON'T fucking cap the southern graveyard. Please please please please please. God damn.

So, PVP in its current state is pretty dumb. The war of attrition only applies in 2s and even there, burst can still dominate. It's all about training, pre-hotting, and mashing. God help us all.


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