Tuesday, September 8, 2009

cleavage (the wow kind)

So today I was sitting in class not really paying attention to my classmates' presentations when I was spamming all of the F# buttons on the Mac in front of me. When I reached F12, this crazy thing happened where the screen dims and four boxes fade into view: the weather, a calculator, a calendar, and I forgot what the last one was. Anyways I kept mashing that button over and over again, causing those boxes to constantly fade in and out, and I started to realize that you could negative edge the button. That means, I can press and hold F12, then when I release F12, the boxes would go away. If I tap F12, the boxes will come into view and not go away. That means there are probably 20 frames or so of startup, animation and recovery of the boxes appearing that I am given to release the F12 button. I then started to see if I could perfectly let go of the button as soon as the recovery ends to min/max F12 box uptime. Let me just say, if none of this made sense to you, then good, cause fighting games have really fucked up my thought process.

Don't even get me started on talking about freeway yomi.

I don't really have much to say this blog because, well frankly, I've been playing WoW again. It's like a cold - you're going to contract it at least once a year because the virus keeps evolving. I'm sorry if I don't answer your calls or if this offends you, but just fuck off cause I need to grind honor it's AV weekend. For those of you who do care, I've been playing the plate cleave team that cheesed won Blizzcon '09. I was trying to level up some alts, but since I came back JUST as the new season started, I figured I'd start afresh. I dropped Herbalism (who the fuck needs a 3K heal? That's like one attack) and picked up what I thought would be an easy profession to level up: Tailoring. I ended up spending about 400g (which isn't bad for almost maxing a profession) to reach my magic carpet, and now I have Swordguard Embroidery on my cloak. I'm a glutton for procs, of which I will soon have: Runeforge of the Fallen Crusader, Sigil of Virulence, Darkmoon Card: Greatness, Darkmoon Card: Death, and Swordguard Embroidery. As for my alts? Well, they can just sit there and rot while I re-farm honor and gold for my main. Death Knights are still retarded - why did I ever think I'd want to play something else?

Things to look forward to: not reading this blog for a month cause I'll be in China, massive Berserk updates right as I get back, more QQ about work and school, a review on Nine possibly, going over how I make banners, and the finale reviews for a few animes ending this season (namely FMA). Have a good fucking night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!