We were doing our presentations in front of the entire class last Thursday, and the moment Andre walked up, I knew he was fucking faded out of his mind. Pretty sure the class knew too. Including the teacher. He was having a bit of difficulty inserting the thumb drive into the computer, and when told to hit the "on" switch for the projector, he sorta just stared at the control panel for a good 30 seconds. "Oh there it is! Hahahahaaahaa". Off to a good start. So he sits down in the chair, slouching comfortably, then mouses over My Computer, and then double-clicks into his thumb drive. He fumbles around for another minute or two, looking for his Power Point presentation, but instead decided to click on a cached file over and over and over again. People in the audience were like: "hey dude stop clicking on that" or "try opening it in Internet Explorer" or "try restarting the computer". I just sat there, along with anyone with half a brain, and tried to suppress laughs. Eventually he gave up and just spoke about his presentation. Later on, a girl would talk about her swimming scholarship and how she would swim at the beach for three hours. Andre goes "lol you'd look like a big grape". My teacher inquires, "you mean like a raisin?". "Yah. Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha."
I don't really feel like talking about all that stuff now, but I just want to say that I will also be spending this break branding myself and possibly creating a mock-up non-flash site. I want to do something unique, and I have a few ideas, cause "Chris Liao Creative" just sounds fuckin boring. I won't spoil my idea yet, but it has something to do with my favorite food AND my favorite manga, but STILL remains disconnected enough from both to become its own entity. Maybe you can guess what it is? *muhahah*
I figured I'd just make this another picture blog, since that's what people like seeing. I managed to snap a few shots of my workplace, so take a peek!

Everyone else has like fancy paintings. Me? Nah.

Lined up my shelf with those HG SEED Gundams. They were collecting dust at home anyways.

My two bosses walking around the common room. (Yes that is a ping pong table bitches)

How we organize our thoughts at MEDLmobile.
What else am I leaving behind when I go to China / Japan for a month? My beloved Berserk collection~! (which I realized has become my temp girlfriend - all of my time and money has been going into this. Yea fml. A little bit.) ANYWAYS, I just wanted to show you guys what I had planned to happen with my collection by the holiday season. It's going to be grand and pompous.

Estimated collection value (sans display cases): $5,210
Of course blogspot will downplay the grandness by auto-reducing my image size and quality, but whatever. I bought these awesome Grundtal strip lights that I plan on installing on my ceiling for some massive (affordable) lighting action. As for the Klingsbo case in the middle, well here it is! I was also extremely relieved that you didn't have to install the stupid flower thing on the bottom, cause that would have been a bunch more work having to measure, cut, and fit a black matte board ontop of it.
Zodd fits like a glove in there, with enough air room to make things feel spacious.

Fuck IKEA. That gap is fucking gigantic, and there's nothing I can do to fix it.
On other fucking awesome news, I found out that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is actually NOT 26 episodes. ANN has titles up to 38, so it's very likely that the anime will tail right behind the manga releases, and we'll have a legit conclusion! We're looking at an estimate of ~50 episodes again. Finishing up Bakemonogatari, CANAAN, and Princess Lover! soon, so I'll probably write about those.
Been playing L4D and some WoW. L4D is somewhat refreshing, though somewhat difficult to grasp all the details right away. Playing with seasoned friends is somewhat disappointing for the both of us, since I pretty much know nothing. Update comes tomorrow though, so we'll see how that goes.
Zendikar limited. Power curve is a lot lower than the past few sets, so gauging creature quality was a bit of a trip. Bears are actually pretty solid now! There's quite a bit of (blowout) removal in the set as well, which is refreshing after a pretty pitiful past few sets. Do I like the set? It's not bad. I like it a lot more than Shards, that's for sure. That also has a lot to do with how I draft though, which is always focused around solid beats and a curve. I'm not as synergistic as some of the friends I play with, nor do I like to splash much. I pick extremely conservatively, meaning my games will oftentimes be of similar length. Less extremities, more solidity. Playing through the draft simulator a few times, I also felt myself leaning towards white. Trip Arrow Volley Traps, dub Journey to Nowhere, dub Kor Hookmasters, and a Pitfall Trap - might've been good times IRL. Too bad that'll never happen lawl.
I'll probably write two more blogs before I leave. My stomach hurts right now and I need to poo, so later.
1 comment:
CANNAN was decent, but nothing to really write about. Princess Lover... meh. It was fun in the beginning, then the huge bouncy ~tits~ annoyed me for some reason.
You're actually playing L4D? Get good enough, and it's fun as hell, especially on Expert mode. I was decently surprised at how well the Steam chat worked.
You didn't try Aion? The game is seriously good, a WoW contender for sure, based on what I've played of the game so far. Once I hit 50 (lvl cap) and check out the end content, then we'll see how it really measures up to WoW. Based on rumors so far though, it's much more focused on PvP than PvE.
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