Sunday, August 30, 2009

luladins (preparing for september)

We're hitting critical mass. A lot of my classes are rounding to begin our finals, tons of crunchtime jobs at work for several new apps we're releasing, my 20th Anniversary Armored Berserk is coming in soon, AND I've been playing WoW casually ontop of it all. In other words, I am _fucking_ tired. But is it bad? No, it really isn't. I'm having too much fun.

One sad thing that did happen was that my paladin's original name, Flaminghomo, was banned. See details below:

His name is now Grifisu. Not as cool, no, but it'll do.
He's currently level 36. You won't believe how fast levelling is now! Here's some perspective - Grifisu was level 17 when I began playing him on Tuesday. It is Sunday, and he is now 36. I've played about 12 hours and gained 19 levels. That's insanity! Plus I have a mount and am getting an epic Charger at level 40.

As for my other hobby stuff, Cory and I setup a second Detolf case after moving the second couch in my room downstairs. My room is now infintely more spacey!

The centerpiece is going to have some reworking. I want to raise it up and purchase a display case to put the 20th Anniversary Armored Berserk in. Also, I'm planning on creating a HUGE Berserk mural that will be composed of several picture frames, each containing epic covers and inserts from the manga. And to top this all off, I'm probably going to install track lights on my ceiling. This is serious business, and it's going to be fucking epic.

Lastly, there was a request here by a reader for me to post a picture of the Scrojo Butcher shirt from Blizzcon. Here you go buddy, and thanks for your comments!

Fuuuuck. I'll be in Canton, China from October 8th to November 6th. Let's hope that goes well rofl. See you in Azeroth.


Nadav Halevi said...

Haha xD you should start opening your house to the public as a museum! I would certainly buy a ticket. Berserk is also one of my favorite mangas out there.

Also, thanks alot for the picture of the shirt! I would never notice all the entrails and blood (maybe that was Blizzard's intention though). Really, this brings a smile to my face :)

Hope you'll have a good time in Canton!

ajinkris said...

Thanks a lot buddy :D