Sunday, April 19, 2009

clash of titans (SF4 gamestop tournament finals)

Just yesterday, the Street Fighter 4 scene witnessed the first major tournament hosted by Gamestop. The top players from around the world were invited to compete in the game we've all come to love and hate. To avoid possible spoilers, here is the link to vids of the tournament: .

Justin Wong ended up beating out Mike Ross in the finals for the U.S. slot. Mike Ross's defensive play just didn't cut it this time around. The final top 4 line up was: Justin Wong (Ryu), Daigo Umehara (Ryu), Poongko (Ryu), and Iyo(Dhalsim). We have (probably) the best American Capcom player, Daigo "The Beast", the Korean national champion, and the Japanese national champion. I just wanted to say that Daigo's power comes from his ability to get into his opponent's head. When you watch him play, he is literally four steps ahead of his opponent, pre-emptively destroying them with his insane execution, reaction speed, and matchup knowledge. It was quite a thrill to watch. Props especially to Daigo vs. Iyo.

So what does this say about America?
Honestly, if you watched the vids, the grand finals was a bit dissapointing on Wong's part. I think he could have played much better, though Daigo was in complete, top form, reading Wong left and right. Wong never got a chance to push through a good offense, whiffed a lot of Messiah Kicks, and ate too many Shoryuken's for his own good. Daigo saw that shit coming from a mile away, knew the distance, and always punished accordingly. This is by no means America's final say. We have the drive, and now finally, the comp to push through to high levels of play.

On another note, excessive BB playing has left me a sour taste in my mouth. As much as I like the idea of playing Noel, her style may not be fit for me. Good chance I might move to Jin instead.


the other shitty DK said...

Concerning your weekly quote (Daigo vs wong). America fails epicly. I mean reading that quote, words just can't describe the amount of fail that quote generates.
As for Noel, i believe matt said i should use her as her style would fit me better. But V-13.. has WINGS AND is a android. I cannot escape from dea... err i mean there is no escaping that combo ;þ

ajinkris said...

I lol'd pretty hard at the obscenity of the quote. I just thought I'd share it with everyone. Yea AI got BB, so I tried her again...I really don't like how she plays. It feels a lot like Melty Blood lol. As for V-13, I think you might like that better honestly...though Noel doesn't do much with her meter except RC for combos and super spam lol.

Unknown said...

Pat hates zoning though.. supposedly.. although he always plays zoning characters...

Daigo is a beast

the other shitty DK said...

Wait did you just say... "super spam" ?!?!? hrrmmmmm ;þ

Also yeah, I always seem to pick the damn zoning characters even though i HATE zoning.

ajinkris said...

Nyu doesn't zone...she just rapes you from full screen. It's like comboing except your normals are always detached from your hitbox.

wtb ban.