Animation-wise, Soul Eater sets bars. It may not be as detailed as some other anime, but for a 50+ episode series, the production quality was quite insane. One of the more defining attributes is that the animation quality stays consistent throughout the entire series.
Character-wise, Soul Eater gets a platinum. All of the characters have unique personalities and weaknesses that are constantly reviewed upon throughout the series. Each key player has their own path and set of values to follow, and partners of even greater variety. Even potty-humor side characters like Excalibur really add a hefty amount of flavor to the flamboyant world.
Story-wise, Soul Eater is just another shounen. What makes the plot stand out a bit more is how slowly it unravels. Major turning points, such as the first revival of the Kishin, had everyone at the edge of their seats. Great storytelling comes with substantial build up, and Soul Eater never failed to deliver.
Highlights: SHINIGAMI CHOPPU!!! All of the major fights, like Kishin vs Shinigami and Stein vs Medusa were quite exhilarating to watch.
Overall I would highly recommend Soul Eater to anyone who likes the shounen style, but is looking for something of a higher quality. There are still cheesy moments, there are still convenient plot devices, but all in all, Soul Eater surpassed my expectations and really set the bar for future anime. Fuckin' Bones.
Gonna be busy all week. So much for a relaxing Spring Break haha. Also, two more things: I'm thinking of doing an anime rundown - the best of anime that I've seen in each category AND I'm working on a Kara no Kyoukai AMV, featuring Muse - New Born as the song. I'll let you guys know the progress!
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