Monday is here again. Sat through my boring pre-print class, but came home with a burning desire to work on my Griffith kit. I stopped by Ultimate Hobbies and Home Depot to pick up some epoxy glue, a thin brass tube, some all-purpose bondo putty, and a spreading knife. I figured that after gluing the horse's cloak on, it wouldn't be viable for the horse to be lying down (the weight will snap the resin cloth pieces), meaning I should attach it to the base sooner than later. I filled the very top of the rocky base with some epoxy putty, then added Styrofoam chunks as filler for the empty space. As I began to fill it up, I decided to add a counterweight towards the bottom of the base, for fear that the rocks wouldn't able to hold the entire model up. Luckily I found an iron chain and some foreign coins, tossed them in, covered it up with a large piece of foam, and sealed the bottom with some (extremely fucking nasty smelling) bondo all-purpose putty. And just a little side story, a blob of putty accidentally plopped onto the wood floor downstairs as I was rushing to the sink to clean my tools. It smeared when I tried to wipe it. When I used some acetone to wipe it up, it created a thin film and looked like it sorta damaged the floor. So yea anyways, don't tell my parents.

Used some nasty smelling putty in the hollow.

Filling with an iron chain, coins, and Styrofoam.

This is the nastiest smelling stuff yet. I thought Squadron was bad. This is _BAD_.
After dinner and a short nap, I whipped out a pot and a strainer and began boiling some water. I had tried to use a hair dryer previously (as suggested by a few fellow model builders), but that didn't work at all. This fucking Thai resin is redonkulus - I have to sink each piece in scalding hot water for about 2-3 minutes each before they're malleable enough for me to pull out and re-manipulate. My fingers are still in agony from mashing and kneading extremely hot resin (or peanut brittle, in this case), a painful reminder to NEVER buy Thai ever again. I managed to re-warp about 5 pieces of the horse's cloak so that they'd be workable with some milliput management. I also got a chance to straighten the sword and scabbard, as well as fix both Griffith's jawpiece and the horse's helmet (so that it'd actually fit without my have to shove it on and having it snap into 3 pieces again).

Why the fuck did Blogger randomly turn this image sideways?
The horsey's helmet actually fits! Too bad there's still a large crack on top and a missing chunk on the other side.
I still have quite a bit to do: sand down the bottom of the base, pin the horse to the rocks, putty the horse's cloak, sand that shit down, epoxy glue the cloak pieces to the horse, squadron the seams, sand THAT shit down, finish all the little details on Griffith (like creating a whole missing chunk on the back of his helmet), epoxy glue his cloak on, reconstruct his sword (which is currently a fucking mess), prime everything, paint the armour pieces, paint the undersides, glue the armor pieces on, paint the base, paint the horse, paint Griffith, glue the horse to the base, glue griffith to the horse, then attach all the little details. Wow.
And as I promised, here are the older progression photos that I meant to post larger versions of:

A million screwed up pieces.
Here's a good example. A buckle was melded onto the top of Griffith's helmet. That's also a huge chunk of flash by the nose.

Pinning the horsey's legs!
And again, as promised, photos of my newly obtained Zoddo III (transformed). I got this sucker for 100 bucks on YJA for what would have cost ~$350+. That's a steal. The box for this was massive. Like, larger than my Zoddo Senma massive. I don't even want to know how big the new Armored Berserk is going to be lol. Serial #378 of 500!
Now away from Berserk for a moment.
I was watching Bakemonogatari when, to my pleasant surprise, there was a Kara no Kyoukai 7 trailer! This one actually showed footage of Shiki and Araya. I got super excited and paused the video just to take screenshots lol!
GET HYPE. Anyways, I will be working hardcore on the GK and it should be done before August is over. On the other hand, Joa has announced to me that he will begin my Headlong Armored Berserk kit soon! So much to look forward to!
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