ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND is a complete tripfest. Yea it doesn't really make sense, but it's a pretty awesome read. If anything, I'd call it completely impuslive writing. It's as if the author was at gunpoint and the guy with the gun was like: write something or I'll blow your brains out. "Ooohh, okay...well..uhhh.....there was this girl and she fell down a hole and can cats eat bats and bats eat cats? Something about a buzzed caterpillar, eating and drinking stuff that changes your size, a rabbit that had an OCD for checking his clock, and a queen with a deck of cards..." Yea, I guess not. It was probably just the shrooms.
BERSERK is now on my shelf. I've been waiting forever to pick it up and I now I have 21 volumes (and counting). Unfortunately, Dark Horse is still about 6 volumes behind Japan. The good part has JUST begun!!
WATCHMEN is really something. I'm only about a quarter of the way in, but I must say that this stuff is really entertaining in a dark way. I'm a bigger fan of Hollis Mason's writings than the actual plot currently, as he has a way of making you constantly chuckle out loud. I can't wait to finish it.
KARA NO KYOUKAI: MUJUN RASEN is something that I have to comment on again. It really is amazing. I'm not lying. No really, I'm not lying.
ANIME is slow cause of midterms. Soul Eater and Casshern are picking it up, Gundam 00 is still kinda lame, Toradora! is awesome, Rideback needs to come out, and Druaga is, well, Druaga.
OMGITSLEELA is actually hot irl, I'm pretty sure, which makes things super awkward for those of you who know what happened during the raid a few nights ago lol...

(note: had to blur out the 'secret channel' name just in case we get fags in there. oh wait.)
Here's also a look at something I worked on earlier today. I'll show you what it started out as, the experimentations I went through, and how I came to the conclusion.
So the concept was to create a poster for a band that we liked. Okay cool, I love doing that shit every quarter. I mean I never get sick of it, making album cover after album cover or cereal boxes after cereal boxes. I'm not bitter about it. Really. Especially not about the fact that I still have two more years of cereal boxes and album covers to make. Anyways, I decided to go with CAPSULE this time around (for anyone that doesn't know what this is - -> search: 'capsule jelly' for an idea). So I'm thinking and thinking and I draw some thumbs and I think some more.
Get this: a SAMURAI (capsule is Japanese, GET IT!?!?!) will SLICE open a CAPSULE (their band name is CAPSULE, GET IT!?!?!?) ZOMG, and then all of the information for the CONCERT will SPILL OUT of the SLICED open CAPSULE. OMFG I AM A GENIUS. Here is the thumbnail for it -

It doesn't get better than that. Seriously. Of course my teacher didn't think so, so he told me to re-draw it but I hate thumbing so I said fuck that and just decided to comp up a digital rough. Oh yea, since a student in my class got bashed for using Live Trace on some photo for her BG image, I knew I had to do my own art or get owned. Yes. I traced a samurai using the pen tool. Yea yea, I know, no need to applause.

no caption required
So about 344893402 hours later, I traced the bastard AND super-imposed a samurai helmet onto Kenshin. Okay don't tell my teacher I copied Kenshin, but at least I took the time and effort to trace over his pose AND the wrinkles in his clothes. AND the wrinkles in his clothes. AND the wrinkles in his clothes. (Just wanted to make sure you understood that I did his pose AND the wrinkles in his clothes). But I ended up skipping a bunch, but that's besides the point. So I'm all excited and shit and I get this image imported into photoshop and I start messing with it. I start really excited then end a little more than dissapointed. Check it out.

Graham Aker, is that you?
Okay so I kinda like it even though there are like explosively glaring problems. I mean the assignment was dubbed "heirarchy". Do you see the heirarchy? I think it like starts somewhere like in the green and ends up in the teal and balances out with the yellow. I have no idea what the hell this is. It looks terrible. I decide that it's probably something to do with size relationships and that the values are too similar. This is also the same thumb that I e-mailed my teacher Thursday night, asking for an early critique and suggestions. He said he only checks e-mails up till Friday, so I thought I was in the safe zone. Well, I didn't get his e-mail till about 2 hours ago, so el oh el.
I'm pretty blind since I'm not sure what to do about this problem. So, I mess around some more like do some cross-over coloring and shit with the text and make it mono-tone. Hm.

I'm green dabadee dabadye.
You know what really started to scare the shit out of me though? I remembered last week that some guy got made fun of because his thumb looked nothing like his final (it was three happy faces and the final was some full-blown band picture). The samurai kinda looks nothing like he did in the thumb, his pose is way off and the slash is like not even leading the eye anywhere. One thing I did fix in this thing was the size relationships and values. I also got the informational text to look like it was falling out of the sliced capsule instead of just floating in space. I kinda liked it, minus the fact that the composition is utter shit and the samurai's gorilla-face started to creep me out.
I was about to turn that pos in when I finally had a change of heart. I want to do good in Gardea's class man. Fuck. So I did it. I retraced another image and fucking did it the right way. Hopefully this one, to all of you, looks much better than the former ones (and if it doesn't fuck you and I don't care about your opinion):

So that's how it ended up and I'm gonna get it printed tomorrow morning for 8 billion dollars plus tax, mount it on a board with my cum, and turn it in for a C-. I hate my life sometimes, but it's cool cause Leela is hot.
Same articles to look forward to, yada yada, I love cock, Leela is hot, and pray for Timmy. Sex you later folks.
all gay anime shit
~love chris grant
fuck you bitch, i love me some anime.
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