And so there was this one time my family drove up to Vancouver, Canada to meet my dad's highschool friend. Now this guy is l-o-a-d-e-d. I mean multi-billioniare with a big ass home next to a running creek high up on a hill overlooking a big ass lake in Vancouver. At night you can open the window, smell the pine and listening to the water. Ontop of being loaded, he had three kids: two daughters and a son. Now the son was like two years younger than me, one of the daughters was about to graduate college, and the other one was one year older than me. I didn't see any of them till it was time for dinner, and boy was I in for a surprise. Their mom walks in, and she's just fugly. Like hot damn, she looked like a young grandma (if that makes any sense), like her face was saggy but it wasn't wrinkly. Whatever. The boy walks in and he's just a super-fob with the typical orange streaks and falling hair. Then to my greatest surprise, his 18 year old daughter walks in.
Holy fuck.
Okay well she wasn't fucking HOT HOT, but she was fucking cute as fuck. Fuck. I was trying not to look at her while I ate dinner. I hate those games, where your eyes are constantly moving back and forth trying to ninja-glance her, but when her eyes move towards yours you try to ninja-glance-vanish away but you're always like .2 seconds too slow so she knows you're looking at her. So that went on for a long ass time, and after we watched a movie and chatted over some tea, we were all ready for sleep. She smiled at me and said, "see you tomorrow!" We went off to our rooms for bed. Yes, we all had our own rooms. Yes that's how big his big-ass house was. Miss Cutie (I forgot her name) was two rooms away from mine, the separating room being just a towel storage room. She was so close! I could feel the warmth of her immaculate body emminating through the walls and beckoning my penis for first blood. So that was the dilemma. I kept thinking to myself: damn I should like, go knock on her door and try to talk to her or some shit, get comfortable with her first. At this point, I was still a virgin so I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. Now that I think back on it, I shoulda tried and knocked on her door late at night. Sheltered girls like that always come out wild and crazy after they've had even just a little taste. Maybe I could have! I thought about it!
I ended up just jacking off and throwing the tissues out the window into the creek.
On another note, I found this sexy ass Yoko figure in production - I might actually buy this one!!!

Self reminders: work on modifying existing art pieces to put up here, work on new advertising pieces for old brands, show design process for working on WOWHEAD logo, and keep blogging various anime stuff.
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