I used to call myself an artist, but I've reached a dilemma. I want to make money too. What the hell do you call an artist that makes money? A paradox? I'm taking these classes, see... ones that include math (ew), logistics, psychology, marketing, and the whole lot. Why am I doing this? Shouldn't I be painting an apple or taking polaroid pictures or something? What I truly am, as my Advertising Design teacher put it, is a "glorified business man". I don't paint for expression, I paint for a client. I don't paint with a paintbrush, I paint with a design brief and a cup of coffee. I don't cry when my artwork doesn't sell, I get fired. Corporate art is much different from fine art - we're in it for the money. That isn't to say there isn't some freedom, a little bit of humor, and a tad of expression, but it's generally kept on the down-low. Chances are if it's too daring, your client will freak the fuck out, shit his pants, and light your artwork on fire before you get the chance to say Geico (oh wait).
Speaking of contrast, between fine and corporate art, I'd like to give you all a little art lesson today. There are several types of visual contrast in terms of design, color, heirarchy, and value. Let's just narrow it down to color for the sake of your sanity. There are seven types of color contrast: light & dark, warm & cold, simultaneous, extension, hue, complementary, and saturation. An example of light & dark would be yellow and violet; complementary red and green; warm and cold, orange and blue; etc. So yea, I was sitting in class bored as fuck while my fob teacher was telling us all of this useless bullshit (she even said it was useless herself), and then we get to "extension contrast". Extension contrast's definition is weird: "a small amount of warm color against a large amount of cool." I have never heard of something like that. What kind of odd situation would fucking require a little bit of red or pink on a big pile of blue?
Let's just say I found my answer during that same lecture.

Tomorrow! A blog about the shitty weather!
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