Monday, January 12, 2009

new years resolutions (no jokes in this one)

For those of you who don't know (well actually, I don't think anyone outside of my family knows), my body isn't exactly the most sturdy. I'm not sure when it exactly started, but it's gotten progressively worse since about a year and a half ago. I am constantly fatigue, my skin chaps and blackens easily, and I also have a separate sinus problem (swollen membranes) that prevent me from breathing fully. I used to get sick all the time as a kid, and even though I've built up resistances and immunities since, it's more like I'm learning to block out the symptoms while my body is technically still being hurt by my lack of care. The path to health will require weight loss, proper diet, and scheduled sleeping. Breaking the habit every once in a while is okay, but the way I am now, I fear that I may never return to health unless I make that conscious effort to heal myself. It really sucks cause I know I have multiple groups of friends that all prefer the night life, but necessary sacrifices must be made. 

From now on, I will probably be trying to sleep earlier each day. Proper sleeping cycles aren't just for maximizing amount of time slept, but your body has a natural cleansing timer that occurs from 11PM to 3AM. If you pass this mark, your body's detox systems don't get to function fully, and your body suffers. That's why you always feel like shit after staying up too late, even if you got a good amount of sleep. About two months ago, I tried sleeping around 1AM each day, and I felt amazing for that week. As soon as my schedule messed up again, I felt dreary each day. I'm sick of feeling like I'm half-dead all the time.

The other thing I need to control is my eating. I actually don't eat an insane amount, but I eat large quantities, at few meals, and at improper times. Anyone aiming for healthy weight loss shouldn't consume past 9PM. God knows how many times I've gone to BCD, Norms, or Del Taco and broken that rule (especially Del Taco, fuck). 

If there's anything I want to accomplish this year, disregarding work or school or gaming or personal life, it's that I want to feel rejuvenated every day because I slept and ate properly.

School begins tomorrow. Negishi fuck. I didn't even get anything done during winter break. Hopefully my career development class will allow me to actually work on my campaign ideas. Next up this week! Weekly anime reviews, a peek at my artwork, my plans for the future, and my PET PEEVES. Damn I hate bad drivers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should play basketball hint hint

Subtle I know