I am ever in my eternal search for quality anime. The task is difficult, but ever so often I manage to find a series that really resounds with brilliance and perfection. First episodes are generally never a good judge, but there are just some series that you can tell right away will leave their mark in the annals of history.

Rin's mother was a world-class ballet dancer, and Rin only wished to follow in her footsteps. In the year 2025, an organization known as the GGP had invaded the world and created the first successful global "suppression". Although considered a success, there is much angst against the new government. During this time, however, nothing matters for Rin, as she had never done anything but dance her heart away.

Episode 1 Review (spoilers!):
During Rin's first major recital, she tears a ligament and plans to resign from ballet forever. She feels that she is unsastisfied with herself, as she will always be eclipsed by the shining image of her late mother. Subtle references would suggest that her mother passed away in an earthquake several years back, which would also be a reason for her decision to quit. However, when she discovers the rideback by chance, her spirit is reinvigorated by a new way to "dance". The scene where she plows through the signposts and flies over the ledge made me begin to well up inside. I really have to congratulate MADHOUSE on this one: her expression was worth a million words, completely immersed in awe and freedom, as if she were a bird trapped in a cage and finally freed. The scenery is so pure and beautiful, something that rarely shows up in anime let alone executed to this quality. One word: amazing.
I don't plan on reading the manga just yet, but sometimes the story is just too good to sit around and wait every week for. From the looks of it, there will be much substance to this gorgeously looking anime. This also looks like a title that I would recommend to other people right off the bat, as it has no particular favored genre.
This is going to be the general layout of my anime blogs from now on: 4 screencaps and a short review. Don't read the reviews if you haven't seen the episode (or care about spoilers)!
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